Our Parish

Priest: Reverend Innocent Diala


  • Deacon Wally Samick, Parish Coordinator
  • Shelly Goodman, Administrative Assistant
  • TBH, Bookkeeper

Please note to contact the rectory at St Joseph's if you need to speak with Father Innocent or need to speak with someone as St Mary's does not have regular posted hours. St Joseph's information is provided next. 


Address: 26 Erie Avenue, Gowanda, NY 14070
Phone: (716) 532-5100
Fax: (716) 532-4096
E-mail: [email protected]

Sick Calls: Anytime. Call the rectory as soon as possible.

Confessions: Saturday at 3:45 p.m.. or by appointment.

RCIA: Please contact the Rectory.

Baptisms: Upon request; pre-baptismal Instruction is required. Please contact the Rectory.

Pre-Cana: Classes can be scheduled by calling the Rectory.

Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance at the Rectory.

New Parishioners: Please register at the Rectory as soon as possible after you have moved into the Parish. Registration as a member of the Parish requires the completion of an application available at the rectory.